Please Help Our Students -The Maranacook Education Foundation is excited to announce the beginning of our Annual Fundraising Appeal. During this short time period, we hope to raise the necessary funds to support the variety of initiatives we have implemented to assist the students and staff of RSU 38’s schools. Our mission is to provide additional education opportunities for our schools that enhance the already wonderful experiences they gain from attending one of our schools. During this appeal, we reach out to current and possibly future donors to ask them to join us in our efforts to ensure that our students and staff are supported and encouraged to do their best work. We stand ready to support the schools in any way we can however most of our efforts are designed to support classroom grants, student scholarships and employee recognitions. Please review this Appeal Letter which describes more specifically the areas that are impacted by our work. Donations can be made through our online portal at or mailed directly to P.O. Box 133, Readfield, ME 04355. We thank you for your consideration.

Maranacook Education Foundation Annual Appeal
December 6, 2022