One thing that really excites the Board Members of the Maranacook Education Foundation (MEF) is when we see our grantees working across schools on projects to enhance student learning. Jill Worster, Literacy Specialist at Wayne Elementary School, submitted a grant to build a Story Walk on the school's property. To do this, she enlisted the aid of high school students and staff to assist in the project. Last Friday, on Maranacook's "A Day of Caring", Jeff Stockford and Adam Scarpone, along with their advisee groups, visited Wayne Elementary School with 17 Story Walk podiums handcrafted by Jeff's Industrial Arts Wood Design class and the MAP (Maranacook Alternative Program) students. The students dedicated their time and effort to digging holes and planting these podiums on the school grounds. With the podiums installed, they are one step closer to making the Story Walk a reality. The next steps involve polyurethane/staining the podium tops, laminating the book pages, and completing the remaining preparatory work. Their goal is to have the Story Walk ready for use on Monday, June 10th, during Field Day. Thank you Jill, Jeff and Adam for your outstanding work on this project. All of the grants the MEF awarded this school year are listed are listed here. Please visit our website to learn more about our organization and to donate if you would like to help is in our efforts to support out school's students and staff.

MEF Supports Story Walk Project at WES
May 6, 2024