This just in....The 2019 MEF grant recipients will be revealed one at a time over the next few weeks! Stay tuned for upcoming posts highlighting these amazing educational opportunities funded by our generous donors and facilitated by creative educators in our Maranacook community.
Congratulations to Paul Sveum, Camp Director of Camp KV, and his colleagues from the Kennebec Valley YMCA who received funding to support a new environmental and wellness program at Camp KV. They model and teach social responsibility and interpersonal growth at Camp KV but believe environmental responsibility and ecological growth share equal importance to the community’s health. The first step towards sustainability begins with identifying the changes that are easy to reach. Camp KV will start improving their environmental sustainability by beginning to : ● Compost all food and biodegradable waste ● Organize our recycling and redemption products system to improve efficiency ● Begin a gardening program to encourage camper interest and to improve dietary and physical health of their campers Thank you, Paul for initiating this important program!